Saturday, April 21, 2007



an illdressed foolishwise said...

This painting does NOT look like a photograph! :) It is amazing.. seriously.. I am not at all surprised that it got in.

I will be making the trip to Springville, no doubt!

Anonymous said...

dude 1st congrats with the spring salon its no big suprise that you got in. 2nd, SWEEET PAINTING!! man thats aswome, good job man you are going places!

Jay said...

This is amazing.

Casey Childs said...

justin, I saw this painting at the salon. Great work. Look forward to seeing more....

meg dinnell said...

both paintings really capture my interest, i'm excited to see in person

Ryan Wood said...

WOW, terrific painting! Congrats on making into the show!

Chris Dainty, Rita Street said...

Amazing painting!! Congrats! Awesome art work

Tom Scholes said...

Awesome man, just saw this last week! Really well done! Where else can we see your work in person?

Thought Criminal said...

I love you so much!!!! I'm so proud of you, bro! You have no idea how much love I have for this piece! That first frame is pure, raw style! <3 Misty
Sorry I didn't make it to any of your exhibits, i'm paying dues at skool so I can be as skilled as you when i grow up...hopefully better. Peace.

Cindy Bean said...

I know Boo!