Yeah I just thought I'd post this action pic so everyone can see how serious
painting is. Serious business. Seriously, check out the furrow in my brow.
And, this is a sneak peak of the painting that took me 4 times too long to
complete. There was a few decisions in the process of this painting that
were unexpected but I am happy with it now. I'll post the final in a day or two.
Wonderful painting! It seriously looks seriously serious. Hey you've got good taste, Heidi is hilarious and I love Jessie to pieces. Now about that date with my sister...it's never too late:) I've already added you to my artist pedestal, you truly deserve it! And speaking of artists- who are some of your favorites?
one more thing- I checked your artists links on the side, very cool. I actually saw Melissa Pecks stuff up at Coda Gallery for the first time in Park City during Cassandra Barneys show, and loved her stuff! It reminded me of Lemony Snicket.
Wow. You are all serious.
Who knew painting was such serious business? I always thought you just threw the paint around.
Love that painting. Especially the colors . . .
I am very happy with it too. Serious decisions. Looking good, can't wait for a day or two.
wait a second....you actually paint this amazingness using your hands and brushes and paint, in person?!?! i thought it magically appeared on the canvas - - DUDE you really do have SKILLS!
Great painting. You make it look so easy. Can't wait to see the final version.
This looks great so far. I hate it when paintings take a long time. Usually because I get inspired to paint something else but feel I can't move on until I've finished the current piece. I'm sure this one will be worth the wait though. Can't wait to see it finished!
this is seriously serious work, love the paintings!
keep it up (seriously, though).
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