Adam Ford, one of my good friends, and my first real life-drawing instructor, the man who hooked me on drawing the figure and taught me everything about light, shadow, edges, line, and form, will be teaching the figure class at the Bridge Academy beginning June 4th. The class is every Thursday evening from 6 to 9. Contact me justin@justintaylorart.com for enrollment.
Hi Justin, my name is Claudia Vicente e estou impressionada com o teu trabalho!!!! Desculpa não escrever em inglês..my english is ver very bad!!!! Mas já estou resolvendo isso. Parabéns o teu trabalho é realmente fantástico!!!!
Hi Justin, my name is Claudia Vicente e estou impressionada com o teu trabalho!!!! Desculpa não escrever em inglês..my english is ver very bad!!!! Mas já estou resolvendo isso. Parabéns o teu trabalho é realmente fantástico!!!!
really great Justin ! How are you since all this time !?
I am so sorry for no news from me, i still want to come in provo if it's possible.
I need come back to the traditionnal medium as soon as possible !
I really hope to see you soon, really !
Oh the days with Adam...it was either beautiful gestures....or us dying in laughter. Such a great teacher...hope all is well Justin. Your stuff is always sick (sick, in the good way).
I really enjoy your charcoal drawings
what paper and type coal do you use?
these are great
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