Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I met this person a couple years ago. She was making sandwiches up at the sundance ski resort. The hair. The skin complexion. I left a note telling her I was a painter and wanted to paint her face. I think she was weirded out. This is one of my favorite paintings to date. Right now it's part of the mirror mirror show up at Meyer Gallery in Park City.


Luca said...

Beautiful work Justin. Definitely an interesting woman to paint. I really like the edges and the skin colours. Its really nice. How long did it take you to paint this one?

Keep it up.

Anita Davies said...

Beautiful...Love her jacket and how you have faded it out

Jared Scott Greenleaf said...

I love the subtle complementariness. Like the process and muted primaries are battling it over neutral territory - and its a standstill.

Ale said...

you're portraits are so delicate! I love the!

Unknown said...

This portrait is quite lovely. There are subtleties in the hair which I find intriguing.

Philby said...

I like this picture, I have seen some women like this with a worldly look to them, they are often rebellious and quite exciting and fiery... Its a great thing to paint someone like this, you no doubt have then a great conversation and feel quite satisfied afterwards...

Wall Lights said...

nice posting keep blogging,

Arjun said...

Beautiful and amazing work

Arjun said...

Beautiful and amazing work

Maxy Hughes said...

this painting is beautiful x

Madeleine said...

I love this portrait as well, and am glad to have discovered your blog!

From Belgium with love said...

fascinating painting !